White Water Rafting in the Grand Canyon

White Water Rafting in Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is an incredible natural spectacle which has to be seen in person to be believed. The Canyon is in the state of Arizona and is managed by the Havasupai Tribe, the Hualapai Tribal Nation and the Grand Canyon National Park. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World due to its spectacular dimensions. The Canyon itself is 277 miles long, is around 18 miles wide and is over a mile deep in places.

Whitewater rafting in this area is extremely popular and even just the idea of doing so on the iconic Colorado River is a wonder within itself! Imagine the incredible views as you travel through the Grand Canyon. You can truly get a good feel for the size and awe inspiring vastness of the Canyon when white water rafting here.

There have been rafting trips in this area for many years and when you book you can talk through all the requirements with experienced staff. It has been recorded that many who try out a white water rafting trip are incredible moved by the whole experience and excitement of being there specifically.

A typical day’s white water rafting in the Grand Canyon generally consists of an early start in order to make the most of the day. You usually travel to the actual site by jeep and onto Diamond Creek Road which is the only road at the bottom of the Canyon. This is a great little journey within itself as you will get a chance to take in your surroundings, the nature and unusual desert plants.

On disembarking the jeep you will meet your own river guide who will get you kitted out with life vests and so on before boarding the raft. Your waterproofs will come in very handy as you will find that you get soaked almost immediately you get going on the boat! You will also have a chance to see and experience moderate classed rapids. This is excellent as children over 8 can therefore accompany you on this trip. After your trip you take a break for lunch before trying out a helicopter flight to Grand Canyon West!

White water rafting trips in the Grand Canyon can last anything from one day to a week – it’s up to you, your stamina and your need to take part in this spectacular action sport!