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How to Survive a Family Vacation

Family Travel in Africa

Different interests, same old roles sometimes clash when parents travel with their grown children, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still be a rewarding experience … as long as everybody behaves like adults

We left the restaurant on Osaka’s busiest street starving and seething. Though we’d been inside almost an hour, we’d barely spoken to each other and had hardly eaten a bite.

We silently went our separate ways – my disappointed parents headed back to the hotel, my furious sister stormed off into the night.

In a jet-lagged haze, my brother wondered aloud if a trip with our parents as adults had been such a good idea. It seemed as though we’d gone halfway around the world for a colossal family feud.

As an adult on the road with Mom and Dad, be prepared to find yourself in a similar situation. On my recent trip to Japan with my 20-something brother and sister and our retired parents, our great times were tempered with an unexpected amount of tension for five adults who were no longer a full-time family unit.

While Mom and Dad’s idea of a family vacation may not have changed, the kids they were bringing with them sure had.

According to Dennis Thoy at the Adventure Travel Company in Toronto, bookings for adult children and their parents are increasing. He sees bookings for parents and their adult children to everywhere from Costa Rica to the Arctic and Vietnam. While the destinations may be exotic, the issues these travel partners encounter are familiar ones.

“The families that travel with me fall into the same roles they had growing up,” says freelance tour guide Jessica Schang.

She hosts parents and adult children on more than 10 per cent of the tours she runs in South America. Many of the families she sees fall into old parent/child roles and reprise arguments they may not have had in years. While the children have adult relationships with each other, it’s their relationships with Mom and Dad that have yet to mature.

Such a voyage may be an ideal opportunity to develop that relationship. Consider Amazing Race contestants Ronald and Christina Hsu. The Season 12 father-daughter team was famous for blowout fights during their race around the world. But their televised arguments eventually gave way to common ground that left them closer than ever.

As Ronald said in a later interview, “It was just a wonderful experience to bond with her, know her as an adult, not just in terms of a father/daughter relationship, but one that I can call a friend on equal status.”

Indeed, developing a mature relationship as parent-child is a journey in itself.

While my adult family trip to Japan began with Mom making sure we’d packed right and were dressed warmly, our squabbles, fights and appeals to each other’s sensibilities served a real purpose. By the end of the trip, we were no longer your typical parents and children on a holiday; instead, we were a group of equals enjoying a new world through each other’s eyes.

Best Destinations to See Primates in Africa

Ugand Rwanda Primates

Would you like to see primates on your safari in Africa? There are different countries where travelers can enjoy watching primates while in Africa. For your first primate safari to Africa, I recommend East Africa countries that own the best primate parks like Bwindi forest, Virunga, Volcanoes, Kibale forest, Nyungweforest, KahuziBeiga, Murchison falls, Queen Elizabeth and Gombe stream in Tanzania. In addition, one gets a chance to see best wildlife animals both the wildebeest migration and the big five.

Uganda, The Pearl of Africa

Bring a home to many primate species; Kibale National Park in Uganda has the highest primate density concentration in Africa.Most famous primate species of the country include mountain gorillas, chimpanzees,Blue monkeys, Olive baboons,grey-cheeked Mangabey, l’Hoest’s,black-and-white colobus, red-tailed monkey,bush babies,potto, golden monkeys that can be seen during different safaris in Uganda. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park has some of the remaining golden monkey species and gorillas as the prime attraction that it shares with Bwindi National Park. Most popular primate safaris in Uganda are Gorillas and chimpanzee treks that draw thousands to the country and without any of the two a visit to Uganda terns incomplete.

Congo, the Gorillaland

Viewing primates in Congo is an amazing unique experience that many call paradise but booking a primate safari has never been easy if you don’t use a help of travel agents. Many travelers who have visited Congo before can agree that primate safaris in Congo are experiencing something unusual unlike other safaris elsewhere in the world. From mountain gorillas tracking, Banobo trek, chimpanzee trekking, and meeting up with low land gorillas, Congo has all kinds of primates including the only living low land gorilla species that live in Kahuzi Beiga National park. Every primate safari to Congo is worth it and tourists have ever regretted a decision to explore Congo gorillas and other primates. Other things to enjoy while in Congo is the hiking safari to Nyiragongo one of the world most impressive active Volcano that is active up to present.

Tanzania – Magical wildlife home

Looking at great safari destinations, nothing beats Tanzania when it comes to wildlife Safaris in Africa but today still the country is one of the best primate countries in the world. This might surprise you as it did before on my side but history confirms that in 2005 conservationists and researchers discovered a new monkey primate species called Highland Mangabey a long haired forest primate that was first discovered in Mt Volcano and Mt Rungwe.Today the most Tanzania offers exceptional chimpanzee trekking safaris in Gombe Stream National park the most populated primate capital in the country. If your interest is primates, don’t miss to check out other safari tour activities like game viewing and beach Excursions. Above all Rwanda is another great primate safari destination worth checking out for wonderful gorilla trekking tours, chimpanzee safaris, golden monkey trek etc.

What is the Best Time to Visit

Dry seasons are said to be the best time to visit Uganda, Rwanda and Congo for primate safaris yet primate viewing is a year round activity. Travelers believe rain forests are a little bit dry and treks are manageable. However, each travel season is great in its own way that only those on primate safaris can tell. Africa has variety of attractions though it’s most known for wildlife, mountain climbing, birds, culture and primates.

Explore the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok

Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok

The Grand Palace, called Phra Borom Maha Ratcha Wang is located beside Emerald pogada, Bangkok Thailand. The Grand Palace is a complex of buildings and served as the official residence of the Kings of Thailand from the 18th century onwards. Construction of the Palace began in 1782, during the reign of King Rama I, when he moved the capital across the river from Thonburi to Bangkok. The Palace has been constantly expanded and many additional structures were added over time.

The tower of gold began construction on 6 May 1782. The plan of the Grand Palace followed closely that of the old palace in Ayutthaya. The Palace is rectangular shaped, with the western side next to a river and the royal temple situated to the east side, with all structures facing north. The palace itself is divided into three quarters: the outer quarters, the middle quarters and the inner quarters.

The tower of gold began construction on 6 May 1782. The plan of the Grand Palace followed closely that of the old palace in Ayutthaya. The Palace is rectangular shaped, with the western side next to a river and the royal temple situated to the east side, with all structures facing north. The palace itself is divided into three quarters: the outer quarters, the middle quarters and the inner quarters.

Private Helicopters – Flexibility and Time

Private Helicopters

These days, air traveling is not only limited to using public airline carriers to get you from one point to another. Pretty much similar to land transportation vehicles, there are those that are available for rent or use publicly and privately.

Public air transport is commonly dominated by airbuses and jets while only a few are available using executive helicopters. Private air transport services are also quite dominated by the same type of fleet although helicopter hire may be the more commonly preferred.

Whether you are travelling for a vacation, for business, for special events and the like, private helicopter charter or private helicopter flights are great modes of transportation if you want to make the most out of your time and if you are looking for a great amount of flexibility. In comparison to public air transit, such as travelling with your regular airline carrier, you do not have to worry about fitting your schedule with theirs. You will be solely in charge of when you would like depart. There will be no running late for a flight, no standbys, no tedious long lines, no bumping to the next flight, any waking up too early and etc. This would prove to be very advantageous for many; in addition to that, you get to land basically anywhere as long as there is an open space. The helicopter need not land in an airport, if the place has a helipad or a clear area for the size of a helicopter, then you have found yourself a landing place. This is another great thing about flying using helicopter charter – – the maneuverability.

Now, the question is “Isn’t helicopter chartering or renting expensive?”

Well, yes, it can come a little expensive when compared to the regular promo rates of many public airline carriers. Then again, you need not be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs to be able to hire one yourself. Many establishments all over the United Kingdom already offer chartering services for very low rates. And although it can be a little more costly, you can no doubt deny the benefits you will be able to get. The pros outweigh the costs. It will be worth it.

You are most likely to be guaranteed hassle free expedition whether you may be travelling for business, for outdoor events, for special occasions or for short or long vacations.

Self Drive Holiday in Uganda & Rwanda

Self Drive Jeep in Rwanda

If you are travelling to Rwanda and Uganda whether on an escorted safari or self drive, business, or leisure, one of the things you should consider is getting around cities and villages to explore these countries. If you are looking for the best deal on your Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi Safari, we offer you the cheapest deals from 4×4 Car hire Rwanda cars from our own fleet. Self driving is one of the best ways to see a country as it allows for complete flexibility and you can go where you like, stop where you like and ultimately explore at your own pace.

You can pick up yourself 4×4 car from Kigali and drop off at Entebbe, Nairobi or Arusha for example. With driver rentals are also offered at very competitive rates. All our vehicles have fully working AC, in good condition, well serviced, Unlimited mileage and Comprehensive insurance in case of Fire, accident and theft. However, this insurance does not cover the occupants and their belongings so you must come with your own personal life insurance. Cross border COMESA fees expense is met by clients at a cheap cost $ 35 USD at the border. For our self-drive and with driver rentals, we provide camping gear for rental to assist you manage yourself drive holiday budget better.

In Rwanda and Uganda, book your rental car through Car Rental Rwanda or Uganda for a magical hour with the gentle gorilla giants of Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and Bwindi/Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks in Uganda. Uganda has some of the most awe-inspiring game viewing opportunities in the world like in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison falls, Kidepo Valley among others. Birders would have a mega-feast here. Rwanda, the Land of a Thousand Hills, offers unique travel experiences with its gorillas, clean beaches, game drives in Akagera, and chimpanzee tracking in Nyungwe National Park, rich cultural history and genocide memorials.

We provide gorilla permits purchase service for self-drive Rwanda and self-drive Uganda tour clients, in Kenya and Tanzania. The wild beast migration through the Maasai Mara and the Serengeti respectively. We offer guided safaris or if you prefer to proceed at your own holiday safari pace, take a self-drive 4×4 vehicle from us and enjoy a memorable self-drive holiday tour. In Tanzania the Serengeti is a massive open Africa wild teeming with wildlife.

Uganda’s biggest tourist draw is of course the mountain gorillas, but these aren’t the country’s only great apes. Humankind’s closest relative, the chimpanzee, is found in a number of areas of Uganda. Some of these groups have been habituated to human contact in the same way as the gorillas, and although their more energetic lifestyle and unpredictable nature makes them slightly less approachable, there’s no doubt that hanging out with chimps is one of life’s great experiences.

Kibale National Park is a national park in southern Uganda protecting moist evergreen rain forest. It is 766 square kilometers (296 sq. mi) in size and is located between 1,100–1,600 meters (3,600–5,200 ft) in elevation. Despite encompassing primarily moist evergreen forest, it contains a diverse array of landscapes. Kibale is one of the last remaining expanses to contain both lowland and montane forests. In eastern Africa, it sustains the last significant expanse of pre-montane forest.The park was gazetted in 1932 and formally established in 1993 to protect a large area of forest previously managed as a logged Forest Reserve.

At Kibale Forest National Park, visitors can join daily chimp-tracking walks. These normally last around three hours with a maximum of one hour spent with the chimps. Or, for those who want a more in-depth, personal immersion (group size is strictly limited); you can arrive at the park’s visitor centre in the pre – dawn gloom to set out on the Chimpanzee Habituation Experience. This guarantees a full day with the chimps; tracking them as they crash through the undergrowth or swing through the tree tops, dozing as they doze and, if you’re very lucky, feeling your heart race in excitement as the apparently playful chimps turn determined killers on the hunt for monkeys.

Kibale might be the most popular place in Uganda in which to view chimps but it’s far from the only option. For alternative chimp experiences check out this other parks and reserves:

Budongo Forest Reserve: The Budongo Forest Reserve is up in the northwest of Uganda and is often overlooked by tourists, yet its dark and dense forests are considered one of the better places to play with chimps. Two- to four-hour chimp-tracking trips (you only get one hour in their company) run daily and, as at Kibale, between October and June.

Queen Elizabeth National Park: The gold-tinted Savannah grasslands and tangled forests of Queen Elizabeth National Park are best known for their tree-climbing lions and the hundreds of hippos that wallow in the waters of the Kazinga Channel. Not so well known is the park’s population of chimps, who frolic about the 100m-deep Kyambura Gorge. Although the chimps are habituated to humans, there’s no guarantee they’ll show up for the party. However, when they do, the low number of visitors means you’ll probably have them much to yourself.

Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve: this reserve is near the Congolese border, the diverse Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve offers quieter, and less certain, chimp encounters than nearby Kibale. However, the lighter forest cover means that sightings tend to be clearer and the chimps here also frequently venture out into open Savannah, where they are more likely to walk upright. If you’re lucky enough to witness this then you’ll really feel as if you’re watching animal evolving into man.

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary: so it’s hardly a genuine wilderness encounter, but if time is limited and you’re confined to the Kampala region then this Lake Victoria island a short way south of the capital, is home to around 40 orphaned or rescued chimps.

Travel on $100 a Day: Krakow, Poland


There used to be a series of travel books about how to travel in Europe on $100 a day.  Today it is much more difficult to achieve this goal – but not impossible.  It just takes a little more research and planning. There are several countries that are very budget travel friendly.

Krakow, Poland is one of those budget friendly country’s.  Here is one person’s story on how they traveled in Krakow on $100 a day.  (Budget does not include airfare)

In May of 2017 my adult son and I traveled to Krakow, Poland. Krakow is a budget travelers dream. Because we got such a great exchange rate, one US dollar got us almost 4 Polish Zloty, our money went much further than when we have traveled to other countries.

I pre-arranged airport transfers booking through Viator.com which costs just under $23.00 for two people. The ridefrom the airport to our hotel in the city center was an easy ten minutes.

We stayed at the Ingo Aparthotel, which I booked through booking.com, and that was located a 2-minute walk from the main square, right in the heart of the city. It is a small hotel but very nice. The room was a good size especially for being in Europe where hotel rooms are notoriously small.

The location of the hotel was perfect. It is located next to Planty Park which encircles the historic city center where the medieval city walls use to stand. It’s a beautiful place to go for a stroll or sit and relax. The hotel is also a short 10-15 minute walk to a huge 5 story mall which we visited several times during our stay. Our price for the hotel was $380 ($28 per person/per day) for a seven night stay and included an excellent, large continental breakfast.

In the city square there are plenty of shops and restaurants. The entire square is encircled with restaurants. Most have outdoor seating areas where you can enjoy your meal under the large red umbrellas while watching the activity in the square. There are outdoor heaters and cozy red blankets for cool

er days.  Not even the rain stopped people from enjoying the outdoor seating. The large umbrellas provide shelter from the rain and the heaters and blankets provide warmth. I actually really enjoyed sitting out in the rain eating. It was a fun experience.

At first glance I thought these restaurants were going to be out of our price range but after taking a look at the menu’s, which are posted outside the restaurants, I couldn’t believe how inexpensive they were. We tried a different place each night. One of my favorite meals was croissant wrapped salmon with strawberry and mango salsa. It was delicious. Including a mojito and dessert the total cost for my meal was $13.00.  A bargain basement price compared to other European cities.

I had looked into pre-booking sightseeing tours online before we left however after talking to people who had previously traveled to Krakow, I decided to wait until I arrived. I was told it would be much cheaper if I purchased to tours in Krakow. They were right. There were tour booking centers around the city square which charged a fraction of the online prices. We had no problem booking tours. I booked a tour of Auschwitz, including transportation, for about $20 for the following day.  We also booked a same day city walking tour for $10.

Normally I use a lot of public transportation while traveling in Europe but you really didn’t need it in Krakow. It’s a very compact area so we either walked or used the transportation included with our tours. Only once did we use a cab while coming back to our hotel from the Schindlers Museum. While we had no problem catching a cab from the museum, the city center was not over run with cabs everywhere like you see in cities like London.

For anyone looking for a budget trip, I would highly recommend Krakow. It’s a clean, laidback, easy going city with tons of stuff to see and do. It is definitely on my top 10 best trips list.

Our daily budget (per person):

Hotel – $28.00

Dinner – $10.00-13.00

Lunch – $5.00 – 6.00

Breakfast – Free at hotel

Sightseeing – $20.00 – $30.00

Our total daily budget: $63.00 – $77.00

The article originally appeared in International Travel News Magazine.

Enjoy the Ultimate African Safari Experience

African Safari

At dawn you wake up inside your cottage room or a tented camp, enjoying the cool fresh air after a restful night’s sleep. Outside your tent the natural noises of the camp site emerge. Grasshoppers chirp in a hypnotic, high-pitched chorus of bird, Frogs croon sad songs in the reeds, sometimes a roar of a lion in a distance. Then meters away an elephant wanders-surprisingly quietly-around the campground, sweeping its great gray trunk along the ground in search of fallen acacia pods. You grab your weapon of choice and quietly approach. Framing the great beast in your sights, you shoot! Great shot! You got him, the perfect photograph of the beast with the burnt orange sunrise forming a rising mountain of fire and light behind it.

An African safari holiday is the best way to experience the beauty, romance and soul of Africa. Just mentioning the word Safaris in Africa, immediately conjures up images of exotic treks through the bush in the heart and heat of Africa, thousands of miles from a Starbucks or McDonald’s, decked in khakis and a pith helmet, exhausted and grimy with sweat and dust.

While a safari experience like that is definitely an option, you may be surprised to discover that it’s just one of many. People love to dispel this great safari myth, and they roll out the long list of wilderness adventures available in every degree of comfort, adventure and budget. The only constants are the stunning African landscapes and the amazing scope and proximity of wildlife. But safaris in Africa have much more to mention than wildlife. There are differing cultures within the different African destination, you will find amazing food, village setups and different languages you would like to pick at least a single word.

Safaris range from luxury holidays, where elegant lodges and fine wines share time with tracking giraffes from a sturdy, open-roof vehicle, to mobile camping safaris where you follow predators or stake out the great wildebeest migration, sleeping in tents at a different locale each night. It’s all about how you want to get from amazing Point A to spectacular Point B-from a hot-air balloon, a canoe, or from the back of a horse or taking on a nature walk.

Africa transformed the meaning of the word safari into ‘to travel in the shadows of extraordinary animals.’ Each safari is judged by the thrilling wildlife it encounters, and many come through with high marks as they bring you into the playgrounds of zebras, lions, elephants, hippos, rhinos, gorillas and cheetahs and a whole ark-full of other animals. So many beasts roam these lands that the ground itself feels alive.

Many choose their safari destination based on the wildlife they most want to capture and cage in a picture frame on their wall. Yet travel agents also suggest considering the many natural wonders of Africa. One of the best locations for both is Uganda, the quintessential safari experience. Uganda’s must-see is the Bwindi forest National Park, home to the famous Mountain Gorillas, these attract people worldwide to come and see these human like creatures and Uganda gives you the best of this adventure experience compared to Rwanda and Congo.

Benefits and Opportunities in Travel Physical Therapy Jobs

Travel Physical Therapy

Travel physical therapy jobs are considered among the list of much sought-after jobs. It is one of the fastest growing jobs in the medical field, which are in high demand. The growing demand of therapy services, fed by the ever increasing numbers of skilled resources willing to join in travel physical therapy jobs is the most important factor that contributes to the job growth.

If you look at the medical industry, you will surely find great employment opportunities to work as a traveling physical therapist. Especially in the field of physical therapy, qualified and skilled professionals can find huge job opportunities in a wide variety of settings including clinics, laboratories, hospitals, and other allied positions.

Travel Physical Therapy Jobs Opportunity:

Skilled physical therapist, rehab therapist, medical imaging and lab tech professionals can take their career in an improved direction by applying one of the travel therapy jobs available in several travel allied positions corresponding to their discipline. The best persons who can help you in this regard are the medical staffing companies that offer variety of open jobs and the best in-class service offered by one of their allied recruiters.

Medical Staffing Company:

These types of medical staffing solution providers actually help candidates realize their career goals. No matter whether you are skilled in travel physical therapy or you are looking for your first assignment in respiratory therapy travel jobs, the medical staffing solution providers will help you find the best travel physical therapy jobs available in the industry. These types of companies are usually connected with facilities that offer high salaries to the candidates. Therefore, if a high travel physical therapy salary is something you are looking for; you will get the true partner that will help fulfill your needs.

Essential Qualifications:

Usually the travel physical therapist position requires a Master’s degree from an accredited therapy program. Also, the candidates should have the passing certificate from a required licensed exam. Those who have the similar degrees can also apply for the travel physical therapy position. The medical staffing companies can actually offer the best opportunity to these types of skilled allied clinicians and physical therapists who love travelling. Usually the medical staffing solution providers have physical therapist jobs and other medical travel jobs scattered throughout the U.S. Since travel physical therapy jobs are temporary positions, the candidates seeking for this position can visit another city or state once their contract has been fulfilled.

Opportunities and Benefits:

As mentioned earlier, travel physical therapist job is considered among the mostly sought after jobs and can provide you with high remuneration. Along with excellent remuneration, the travel physical therapists can also enjoy various other competitive incentives, compensation, and benefit packages including travel allowance, professional liability insurance, retirement savings plan, health and life insurance, relocation expenses, flexible work schedules and others.

Choosing the right therapist staffing agency:

The best thing job seekers can do is to become a member of a registered travelling physical therapist staffing agency. These types of agencies will surely help you find the best travelling therapy jobs.

The French Girl’s Guide to Wearing Perfume


From Pierre-François-Pascal Guerlain’s first bottled scents, unveiled on the Rue de Rivoli in 1828, to the game-changing launch of Coco Chanel’s iconic No. 5 in the roaring ’20s, the French love of fragrance runs deep. Who better, then, to ask about perfume—when, where, and why to wear it—than a Parisienne whose laissez-faire approach to beauty has become a full-blown global phenomenon in recent years.

Enter Ines de la Fressange, the fashion icon and muse, who is living proof of the Gallic dedication to scent. “Every day!” she exclaims with a laugh, when asked how often she wears perfume. “Even if I stay home alone.” Here, de la Fressange breaks down five simple rules to wearing perfume à la française, from the importance of subtlety to the reason why she’ll never change her signature scent.


Rule No. 1: Find One Scent and Stick to It

“French women are very faithful to their perfumes. They wear the same one for years and do not change it, whether it’s morning or evening, winter or summer. I think American women like to have several. They appreciate new perfumes and buy things that they discover in magazines or at department stores, where quite energetic sellers are jumping on them. This does not exist that much in France. Don’t ask me about new perfumes: I generally hate them. I find them too aggressive, with too much iris, grapefruit, or I don’t know what!”


Rule No. 2: But Let Your Perfume Evolve With You

“When I was a young girl, I started to wear this patchouli scent—very ’70s!—until my grandfather became totally upset and told me a young girl shouldn’t wear this type of heavy fragrance. So he offered me Sandalwood by Floris instead. Later, a friend at school was wearing Chanel No. 19, and I so admired that she would have this kind of grown-up style that I copied her—funny that, later, I worked for Chanel, which is where I learned a lot about perfume.

In those days, I wore Chanel Cuir de Russie, which was available only at Rue Cambon, until my husband stole it from me! Now, and for a long time, I’ve been wearing Mitsouko from Guerlain. Very often, cabdrivers give me compliments, and my children would hate me if I even thought of changing it!”

Rule No. 3: Keep It Subtle

“French women do not wear very strong things. Perfume should be discreet, like a little secret. I spray perfume around the neck, on my wrists, and on my scarf. I guess I saw my grandmother [doing that]. She used to like perfumes so much that when I visited her at the hospital once, she only had flasks of perfumes on her table and not one medicine. It was a dainty way to receive visitors.

Personally, I like musky scents and hate ones that smell like food—vanilla, chocolate notes—or that remind you precisely of something. I think French people appreciate brands that are not so famous but admire great quality, like Frédéric Malle or Serge Lutens. However, Shalimar by Guerlain is still very successful.”

Rule No. 4: Never Mix and Match

“When you know a little about perfumes, you learn how difficult it is to make them and how important the work of the “nose”—the guy who imagines the fragrance—is. For instance, they need some bases that don’t smell nice to mix with other ingredients to reach excellence, so never think you can mix different perfumes yourself—it won’t work! Listen, French women are not perfection! [laughs]. But French brands are great . . . trust them!”

Rule No. 5: Fragrance Your Entire Life

“In my drawers, I put potpourri from Santa Maria Novella; in my car, Cyprès from Diptyque, which is a house perfume; and I also have perfumed sticks from Rigaud in the entrance of my home. I keep fragrance in my office, and I am an addict also for perfumed candles, which I travel with. When it comes to [fragrance], I never go out without it!”

Go Sailing in Greece

Sailing in Greece

If you are planning your first active holiday, Nidri offers an unbeatable welcome. Situated on the island of Levkas, a beautiful island of contrasting scenery, located between Corfu and the island of Cephalonia in the Ionian Sea. The centre of the island is mountainous and rugged, dropping sharply down to the west coast, where miles of white cliffs guard long, sandy beaches.

The east coast looks out on to a myriad of small green islands silhouetted against distant mountains. It is this sheltered position that makes Nidri ideal for your first introduction to sailing and windsurfing and its mountainous interior is a haven for mountain bikers of all abilities. The development of lighter boats with modern rigs means sailing small boats has never been easier or as exciting.

Day Sailing
We regularly offer day sails, giving you a chance to explore the stunning coastlines and secluded bays found around our centres. Escorted by our safety boats, our larger dinghies are loaded with packed lunches and snorkels, before heading off to a peaceful location for a picnic and swim. Day sails are always dependant on local weather conditions.

Free Sailing
Every day of your holiday you are free to enjoy sailing independently within our designated sailing area. Our constant safety cover ensures you are able to practice new-found techniques or just to potter at your own pace.

Our Dinghies
We carefully select the most suitable boats for each of our sailing locations. While some of our favourite models can be found in all centres, certain high performance models are based mainly at centres like Porto Heli, where they are suited to the local conditions. Please remember kit lists vary and from time to time some items may be withdrawn from use to enable repairs.


Nidri Beach Club – Nidri Beach Club is based at Nicks House, a simple, attractive and traditonal style of accommodation, providing the ultimate convenience for access to the sailing and windsurfing kit. New for 2005, the club will be providing you with a fantastic, sociable holiday in a friendly, relaxed environment.

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