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Guide to Gorilla Trekking in Africa

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking

This should be at the top of everyone’s list of things to do. Gorilla trekking is an incredibly beautiful adventure which everyone should have a chance to go for in the African jungles of Africa. This nature tour is very unique and is not even possible with most wild animals of any significant size due to the danger evolved.

Do you know that there are only about 880 mountain gorillas left in the wild tropical rain forests of Uganda Rwanda and Congo? No wonder gorilla trekking is one of the top adventures on the bucket list of most adventure seekers who like primate safaris. Today many travelers trek into the deep tropical rain forests of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Mgahinga National Park, Volcanoes National Park and Virunga National Park to meet the gorillas in the wild.

Gorilla trekking is captivating as well as little scary to see how human-like the mountain gorillas are. The gorillas have brown eyes which hold a great deal of expression, and their ears and fingers look just like for humans except the color. Having the chance to visit gorillas in Africa and watching them interact with each other, in their home, is a truly magical, once in a lifetime experience. Some people say they would rather go to the Zoo and watch gorillas from there, however the wilderness feel and experience is quite different. You get to see how these human like giant Apes behave just like Man, they come meters closer to you. Some of them touch your hair gently, its such an amazing and moving adventure.

Gorilla hiking takes over two hours and is very possible for anyone with a reasonable level of fitness to go for the gorilla trek. One can always hire a porter to help carry your back pack during the hike and to help you through tough terrain during the hike from the local village! You will have a well trained local tour guide who will guide you through the forest. Upon reaching the gorillas, it is advisable to lower your voices and watch them from a distance of atleast 7 metres. Remember your guide is available to tell you anything you would love to know about the gorillas.
Caution: On a gorilla safari in any of the parks that host the mountain gorillas, never at anytime mess with the mountain gorillas.

Like any ecotrip, after your trek to the gorillas, it is advisable to take an ecotour ie. visiting the local communities or a cultural tour. Whilst on a gorilla tour within Bwindi Forest or Volcanoes National Park, get some time  to visit the orphaned children’s performance in the main street and do a tour offered by the local community. You can experience the culture of the local people for very little fees e.g about $30 US takes you to the Batwa village, a brilliant way to lean about th former inhabitants of the forest. So be prepared for the experience of a lifetime, by ensuring you are in shape, have lots of water on the day, have a good camera with you, tips for the porters, and don’t forget a walking stick and gloves for the trek.

But the well known gorilla tour in the mountainous area bordering Uganda is one in which gorillas can be seen up close and without any protection. This species is known as the Mountain gorilla and they are endangered. There are less than six hundred left in the world, and half of them are here in Rwanda. A special package can be purchased which allows a person to stay at a hotel and then be transported to a base camp where they are given special instructions on what to do once they come in contact with the gorillas. A tracker then leads a very small group of tourists up into the mountains to find the gorillas. Once they are located they are observed up close. Tourists are allowed to get withing twenty feet of the gorillas.

Plan Your Gorilla Trek

Planning for the best African gateway experience before your death? Visit the mountain gorillas in Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Once you choose to go for gorilla tours in Rwanda or Uganda, you should consider some of the highlights and budget for them in your planning and among them are: porters who will help you carry your backpackers and also give you a hand during challenging spots on the hike. The cost to hire a porter is $15. Hiring a porter for such a nominal fee compared to the actual permit at least provides locals with much needed employment. Some are even reformed poachers and the parks are trying to educate them the Eco-tourism.

The actual hike to the gorillas can range anywhere from 1 to 6 hours. Although usually the most difficult, many people seek to visit the Susa group. Not only is this the largest gorilla group you can visit, it is also a group Dian Fossey studied for years and it is the most difficult trek.

Another sought after group is that guided by Francois Bigirimana – the most famous and knowledgeable guide around. With over 30 years’ experience, including working with Fossey, Francois is in a league of his own. Having lived with a group of gorillas for an extended period of time, Francois is even able to communicate with them through grunts, shrieks and chest thumps. He knows the gorillas and they know him.

Although the gorilla trekking experience can be physically demanding the beauty of the forest and surrounding scenery always makes the trekking a worthwhile experience. Once the gorillas are located, all fatigue is forgotten, the joy of finding your gorilla troop will only be overcome by the amazement of watching the gorillas go about their daily routine. The gorilla group is likely to be chilled out and eating celery, indulging in grooming, or involved in some other primal social activity. Looking deep into the eyes of the silver back gorilla is surely the most thrilling and profound wildlife encounter that Rwanda has on offer.

Gorilla Trekking Rules

There are certain guidelines trekkers should follow to ensure their safety and the safety of the gorillas:

  • Do not trek if you have a cold or flu.
  • Keep a distance of 7 meters away (the gorillas can still approach you)
  • No eating or drinking near the gorillas
  • Keep your voice low and movements slow
  • Avoid eye contact

The gorilla trekking experience- general schedule of the day

  • 7am Check in at park headquarters. You sign up, drink some coffee and wait around for a bit. Drivers and rangers negotiate group assignments. Once decided, you will meet guides for a briefing.
  • 8am your driver will take you to the start of the trek. Each group has a different starting point. Guides will hitch a ride in one of the cars.
  • Begin trek with guides, porters and armed military officers.
  • First 30 minutes will be an easy walk through flat farmlands. Once the forest boundary is reached, the actual trek begins.
  • Remember, trek length varies (usually between 1-5 hours).
  • Once you reach the vicinity of the gorillas, porters will stay behind with all bags. Only cameras and whatever you have in your pockets are allowed.
  • Visitors are allowed 1 hour to observe the gorillas and may take photos at this time. You will observe playing, fighting, eating, swinging on trees among the gorilla family.
  • Before you know it, time is up and you find yourself hiking back through the forest, past the farmland and driving back to the park headquarters.
  • You will receive a certificate of completion at park headquarters. We returned at 1:10 p.m. but this will be later if your trek is longer.
  • Hire Your Own Porter: Though they are typically not included in your permit or guide price, hire one at the park gate. For just $20 a day, he can assist you with your backpack and your water, or help give you that extra push up a hill (a $15 tip at the end of your trip is customary).
  • One to Watch: Democratic Republic of the Congo the 12-bungalow Mikeno Lodge just opened in Virunga National Park in the D.R.C. While political instability currently impedes travel to the country, Virunga has the highest biodiversity of any park in the world place to track.

Best 5 Budget Friendly Destinations for 2022

Barcelona Spain

On a tight budget this year but you clearly want to travel far and just be on your own and spend the day in great white sand? Don’t worry about it now, we got your dreams right here. From high-style and world class shopping spree to wonderful scenery and visiting some unrivaled art, culture and food in different places with a little budget, these are the perfect places that everyone should be visiting real soon and planned it on ahead to include in their itinerary.

So, shall we begin the tour?

1. Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona Spain

If you prefer to visit a place where food and art collides, Barcelona is the perfect spot for you. There are many tourists who love to visit the place because of these two reasons. It is a sweet spot that’s long been a great vacation getaway for all.

When you do visit this place, don’t forget to visit the La Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, and La Pedrera at Casa Milà when you do book for this amazing place. Just be sure to avoid being locked out of something you came all the way to Barcelona to see. Use Barcelona as your base for exploring this part of Spain, as most places can easily be done as day trips from the city.

2. Bogota, Colombia

Bogota Colombia

When it comes to festivities and great outdoor adventure, Bogota is the place you’ll ever want to visit this year. They got these vibrant festivals, exotic flora, acclaimed coffee plantations and of course, their diverse terrains from rain forests to Caribbean beaches they have are all authentically Colombia property that you should include in your bucket list.

If you are into Hispanic traditions, be sure to visit their artifacts, mining tradition, Gold Museum and above all, don’t forget to snap some beautiful shots in their amazing panoramic view of the metropolis from Mount Monserrate’s summit. Go affordable, isolated, and eco-friendly by living on a coffee farm in Bogota, Colombia.

3. Cairns (The Great Barrier Reef)


Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef is perfectly amazing when summer comes because that’s when the time all the airfare dropped nearly 30 percent in their ticket price and they also offers package deals that are down more than 40 percent than the regular price. It’s pretty awesome, right?

Now, if you want to get up close and personal with the world’s biggest and greatest coral reef system, that includes more than 1,000 varieties of tropical fish, plus dolphins, reef sharks (not the dangerous ones absolutely) and sea turtles, you need to book this place and include in your itinerary now. The Great Barrier Reef offers more than 1,400 miles of snorkelling and scuba diving, and you don’t have to be an experienced diver to drink it all in.

4. Bali, Indonesia


Bali IndonesiaIf you will have to be on a tight budget and still want to travel this year, Bali is your right choice. If you’ve considered this Pacific paradise off-limits financially, this may be your year. Their hotel prices are mostly on down percent especially if you want to travel for experience and you are in a frugal lifestyle.

When you are in Bali, be sure to take a lot of pictures, relax on distinctive black-sand beaches, get in the water for world-class surfing and diving or better yet, explore the island’s jungle interior with its magnificent volcanoes and great temples surrounding the places. Whether you plant yourself on a beach or in the heart of Ubud, remember that you’ve come to Bali to be soothed into a state of perfect relaxation by the natural beauty and unique music and cultural traditions of this perfect island.

5. Milan, Italy


Milan ItalyNow for the final place, we save you the best and definitely worth visiting for. If you’ve always wanted to go to Italy, this is the year to do it. They have got the biggest city culture that you could ever see in your entire life. And, the best part of it is that the whole city is an absolute natural beauty from top to the end part. It is really that beautiful.

There’s so much more to Milan than shopping. Stroll the easy-to-navigate streets of Milan’s historic city center and visit the Duomo, one of Italy’s most spectacular churches. Craving the countryside? Don’t miss Lake Como, a beautiful natural haven home to George Clooney and hundreds of tiny picturesque towns like Gravedona, Bellagio, Brunate, and Como that are begging to be explored. Milan is definitely the perfect spot to serve as your base for exploring or could be the start of your never ending journey towards another adventure in other countries.

Travellers Must-Have Items

Backpack Traveler

Adventure is the dream of every traveller. And in that every dream adventure of that aspiring traveller, there is always that mystery and maybe danger coming in the way. Since being a traveller is not all that safe as it may seem, being able to prepare essential stuffs and items for the journey is really a must.

Today, many aspiring travellers just doesn’t have that enough experience to be able to survive the wilderness experience or in even outdoors. Because of this, every aspiring travellers must be able to have at least an idea about what should they be bringing on to their journey. These travellers must have items can guide them. These are mostly essential for an adventurer’s good start in their journey. With these essential must have items, traveller’s can enjoy their journey without having difficulty adjusting to certain environment. They can still experience the comfort that they can feel at home even when they are on a journey, may it be in the wilderness or outdoors.

A successful expedition or adventure has first of all to do with your attitude, mental capacity and focus. Living in the wilderness or outdoor is after all hard.

Sleeping Bag
One of the most important things that a traveller should bring is the sleeping bag. It is important for a traveller to be able to sleep well during the night. After all the hiking, running, walking and other activities, you will really need a good night’s rest, don’t you think? Having enough night’s rest can fuel your energy for the next day’s another journey and adventure.

Well, a mattress is comfort for your sleeping, do have one. Choose a foam ridge rest or an inflatable mattress – or both for full protection. A puncture on the inflatable one is not unusual.

A tent is also important. It will be like your won house wherever you will be staying for the night. You could always just sleep outside, but using a tent can offer you more private space for yourself. And also, there may be dangers in the place you are staying; being inside the tent may help at least, for your protection.

Stove (pots, pans, eating utensils)
Foods are important and you should be able to cook them. Warm and tasty foods are after all essential to get piece of mind and energy for the day’s journey. If venturing into the developing world, petrol is the only choice as fuel or firewood. But then you have to know how to make a fire.

Good thermal clothes are the best choice for any climate. Trousers and shirt plus rain-and-wind gear can help give space for your knees and elbow thus making you be able to move freely.

It is highly suggested that you should wear sneakers. It gives ease in every activities you do as well as comfort.

Head cover, Head lamp and Batteries
A head cover, preferably a big-brimmed one, makes a big difference in any climate really. It shields you from sun, rain and overheating – or getting too cold. A head lamp is extremely important to be able to set up camp, cook and survive when it’s dark and make sure that you have enough batteries to replace the non-working ones.

There is already GPS, but don’t use it too much often. You may need a lot of batteries to be able to use it. Only use the GPS for security, not for navigation. Instead, use the manual compass for you to be able to be extremely aware where you are and what you’re surrounding looks like.

First Aid Kit
This may be the most important item. You will need some basic medicine to keep you going until you can get proper help.

Knife, Lighters, Matches and Duct tape
Knife is very important. You will need it from making a good fire to cutting your foods. It may also come in handy for other things. Lighters and matches will help you build fire and don’t underestimate the use of duct tape. It can pretty much fix anything.

Waterbottle or a CamelBak
Water is very essential to your travel. It will keep you hydrated.

Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Soap, and Towel
Hygiene is also important even you are travelling. Opt to have your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap and towels ready. You may not be able to take your bathe everyday during your travel, but at least you have them ready when you will be able to do so.

Maps, Passport, Money and other essential documents like Cellphone and Camera or even Solar Panel.

Adventure World – Discover Your Perfect Vacation Getaway

Adventure World

Want to plan your dream holiday getaway without wasting time looking for things you can do, or places to visit?   Adventure World is a place to discover a destination and search for a country, or hover over the continents listed on the website to start exploring. You’ll be able to search through their various selection of travel experience collections and discover your perfect holiday getaway. They have resources that locates all of the major tourist attractions all over the world, and allows you to organize trips with just a few simple clicks. The website includes a large number of worldwide destinations which you can discover new places of your perfect dream destination.

With Adventure World, you can breathe the love and excitement that comes with discovering one of the most remarkable destinations our planet offers. Their dedicated team of travel experts are dedicated to providing you with the opportunity to experience the world in your very own unique adventure style. Their goal is always to inspire and provide you with a holiday vacation of a lifetime which fits and exceeds your expectations.

Hopefully these tips have helped you in making your travel dreams possible. Yes, it is difficult to save and each and every individual is in a different scenario to begin with, but it all boils down to drive and determination and if you really want it so bad, then you’ll accomplish your goals.  If you would like more information on saving for your dream holiday, don’t forget to check out Adventure World today!

Is It Safe to Travel to Africa?

Africa Travel
The Chobe National Park at sunrise in Botswana in Africa

Africa’s biggest enemy is the international media who represent all 46 African countries as a single entity and not as unique and individual countries with their own characteristics.

It would come as a surprise to many people to find out that there are in fact areas that are worse off in more developed countries than in the “dangerous” African countries. No country can claim to be 100% safe, and so as with travel to any new or unknown destination, it is advisable to take certain standard security precautions. Visitors should take the same precautions as they would normally take in any other destination worldwide. Keep an eye on your purses, wallets, passports, money and cameras when walking in a crowd. Avoid walking in the cities at night and place valuables in your hotel safe. Choosing a knowledgeable operator such as Eyes on Africa as your specialist Southern African tour operator is the best move you could make.

While staying at African safari lodges and tented camps you are typically far removed from human settlement and crime in the camps is virtually nonexistent, in fact, we have never heard of it and have been traveling to the camps for years.

Australia: Abundant wildlife and the world’s smallest miner

Australia Wildlife

About 40 kangaroos, flocks of galahs and cockatoos – and all before breakfast somewhere east of Broken Hill. It seems almost decadent to be sitting up in bed drinking coffee and spotting wildlife while making no effort at all.

Broken Hill was slumbering in the deep quiet of a provincial town Sunday morning when we pulled into the station. Towering over the station was a vast slag heap – a visual reminder of the wealth underground that brought Broken Hill into existence in 1883.

A few locals were on the station to sell passengers chocolate and second-hand books. We opted to walk off a few calories rather than compound them, so set off into the centre of the town.

An old lady in a purple tent dress was ahead of us, being taken for a walk by what looked like a dingo attached to a long length of twine.

Knowing that Broken Hill was a mining town I’d assumed its centre would be rough and ready, and perhaps, given it was the morning after the Saturday night, strewn with recumbent bodies of miners smelling of XXXX.

Instead, the town was all but deserted and as refined as Geraldine on a Sunday morning, albeit with rather more pubs.

Broken Hill was once known as Silver City and, along with the zinc and lead that is also mined here, generated great wealth.

When a fire swept through in 1888 destroying most of the original wooden buildings there was plenty of cash available to replace these with substantial stone structures.

We admired the turreted post office and several nearby pubs but were puzzling over a neighbouring building when an elderly man carrying two loaves of Sunday bread stopped to help. He’d lived in Broken Hill all his 83 years. He told us that at one time, along with the silver, zinc and lead, enough gold was found to pay all the wages for New South Wales’ teachers. He pointed out the historic training institute, the police station and the courthouse.

On our way back to the station past the Curl Up and Dye hair salon I read about Little Willy who came to Broken Hill with a midget circus.

He opted to stay, becoming – at 3 foot 4 inches – the world’s smallest miner. Sadly he was killed on a mine conveyor belt.

Back on the station the sales ladies were packing up – “hurry, you’re train’s leaving” said one. Less than 24 hours into the journey and I’d nearly been left behind.

Lunch of zucchini, goat cheese and spinach tart followed by pear and ginger cake with caramel sauce, came and went against a backdrop of tawny harvested wheat fields and pasture land.

We glided into Adelaide at about 4pm. New passengers preparing to join us were milling around a life-size bronze of a wedge-tailed eagle, the largest of its kind in the world and the symbol of the railway.

We marched, rather than milled, up and down the platform, walking off lunch and hoping to pre-empt any dinner-time guilt.

The bar carriage was full to bursting before dinner – among the crowd South Australian artist Peter Coad who was opening an exhibition of his paintings in Perth later that week. He handed me a brochure of some of his works – baobab trees against vivid Australian skies.

We ate dinner somewhere north of the Gawler Ranges – it was late and the landscape in darkness, shapes flickered past, lights a confusion of dining car reflections, a sickle moon and clusters of street lights.

As I went to sleep the train was swinging due west, pulling us into the great Nullarbor Plain and 478 kilometres of dead straight line – the longest stretch of straight railway in the world.

Backpacking Tips for Beginners

Backpacking Tips

You could say the word is as stellar as when you say the word “organic” so that healthy diners would want to eat your dishes. It’s a buzzword. It’s a traveller’s nightmare turning into dreams.

Many say it’s the solution to creative blocks. Others say it helped them find their purpose in becoming entrepreneurs.
I say that we should just travel for the sake of travelling.

Travelling is expensive. For some people, that expense could just be the plane ticket. Some people consider the lack of time travelling as part of the troublesome expense when it comes to travelling.
But backpacking should solve expenses, right?
Wrong. When you go backpacking, you put yourself in harms way. Of course, you don’t do that headfirst. What I meant to say is that things will and will continue to happen.
I haven’t heard of a traveller who had a happy start with backpacking. Even my first backpacking experience didn’t go so well.
Picture this. I only had £1000 in my pocket and I had no reservations, but I was lost in Bali, Indonesia. I didn’t speak a word of the local dialect and could only cue to people what I want to do.
Right there and there, I realised that I was getting lost. At first I was afraid. I was thinking, “how am I going to go home?”,”I might get robbed”, “what am I supposed to do?”
A fellow named Robert Burns was an American who spoke the dialect very well. He helped me out when I was paying for the bus. Then he helped me get a hotel room for myself. I wanted to pay him for his help, but he said:
“It’s your first backpacking trip, I know. It’s rough but it’s fun, right?”

Until now, we’re still talking and backpacking together along with other friends we’ve come on the road.
This is what real backpacking is. At least for me.
It’s about meeting new people, making new relationships. Seeing the world through different lenses. Working with small budgets. Sleeping in trains or taking 8-hour flights.
Whichever works for you, as long as you pick up the right values and experience the good things you’re looking for, you’re having the right sense of what is backpacking.

Rwanda Safari – Meet the Great Apes of Africa

Rwanda Gorilla Family

Whoever comes to Rwanda for gorilla tracking holidays agrees that the adventure isn’t just surprising but worthy its cost. Standing in a close distance with the gorillas is one of the most amazing moments for every gorilla tracker leaving them with exclusive memories for life. Are you soon heading out for an African safari to a country close to east Africa or near East Africa?

Primate tracking in Rwanda is one of the breaks you shouldn’t miss out while in Africa since it involves meeting new friends across the globe, walking and hiking in the beautiful natural bamboo forest and also observing Rwandan gorilla families in the wild in the company of the park ranger guides who ensure that safety of every visitor as well as implementing the conservation rules and regulations of the mountain gorillas. Experienced ranger guides are assigned to different groups of trackers and all keep in touch with those who know exactly where the mountain gorillas spend a night a day before the trek.

However, since gorilla tracking tours take place in only three countries of east Africa, it’s by choice for one to track gorillas either in Rwanda, Uganda or Democratic Republic of Congo. The drive to the gorilla park is interesting and funny looking at people running to the road side to wave to foreign guests in the area. One can feel like a king or royalty especially in nearby communities which take long to see foreign tourists in their area. It’s good to like the people in the new areas you visit and also give them their desired respect a situation which will enable you love and cherish your stay in the foreign country by even making more interactive moments with the locals. Rwanda gorilla treks end quite early depending on the particular gorilla family which one tracks so tourists utilize the afternoon by engaging in other park activities including culture and nature walks.

There is no estimated time for Rwanda gorilla tracking tours because tourists are given a chance to request for either hard or easy gorilla families to track which results into different tracking durations but the estimated time is two to eight hours. It’s natural that gorillas are still wild animals though habituated and can’t be found in one place so the search continues for different tracking groups of tourists through the forest following the path made by the ranger guides.

Sometimes skies open up for forest showers during the trek a fantastic experience for one to meet the gorillas while wet and fresh. If your gorilla family has babies, take a close look at mother gorillas holding their babies too exciting and they care like humans. The juvenile always play around and when mamas notice that you getting closer they climb up the trees with their little’s as a way of protecting them from human. If lucky they may spend some times around on the ground as they plan for their next move. During the 1hour stay with apes in the wild, one gets a chance to see how hug the silverback gorilla is as it gallops in the trees and grass.

This experience is very common when one tracks a big family with many members .The park guides explain in detail the apes behavior and you will come to realize that the habituated gorillas are not as dangerous as the wild gorillas .Though it’s hard to convince trackers that habituated gorillas are not too harmful because they even get used to seeing humans each day. However, the thrilling adventure in Rwanda is only done when one secures a gorilla permit in time and then builds a trip around it .If permits are not available on the particular dates of your interest, visit other destinations first and switch the tracking date to a new date with availability. Start with a visit to other Rwanda national parks, Nyungwe forest, Akagera national park and also other country attractions, lake kivu, Genocide memorials, cultural villages etc.

Explore Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo valley national park, Uganda’s most isolated wildlife destination is situated in the extreme northeastern Uganda and has been named among the top 2016 wildlife safari destinations on the African continent because of the unique ecosystem that the national park has. This national park is among the less disturbed ecosystems and one of the best eco tourism destinations that Uganda has. Lets look at some of the reasons why this national park has been ranked among the top 2016 wildlife destinations worldwide.

The Wildlife

Kidepo valley national park is a home to a number of wildlife with over 77 mammal and over 500 bird species. While on a wildlife safari in this unique ecosystem, one cannot fail seeing animals like the cape buffaloes, lions, zebras, giraffes, African elephants, striped hyenas, African wild dogs and many others. Most of these are seen in the Narus valley, which is the only place in the whole national park with a permanent water source (an oasis).

Some of the wild animals can also be seen while on nature walks around the Apoka camp and the Rionomoe trail.

The Birds

Kidepo valley national park has a number of birds (over 500 bird species). Bird watching here is usually done very early in the morning or in the evening. Tourists interested in birding can sight birds like the pygmy falcons, vultures, hornbills and many others. Kidepo valley national park is a home to over 500 ostriches that freely move over the open savanna vegetation.

The Vegetation

Kidepo valley national park is situated in a semi arid area and the parks vegetation is made up of dry montane forests, dry savanna as well as a number of bare rocks. It’s upon this that the park is described as the true African wilderness. The only place in the whole national park where animals can get fresh pastures is the Narus valley, which has an oasis, and its usually large concentrations of animals are seen.

The Local People

Kidepo valley national park is neighbored by the Karamojong community which is one community with very unique cultural norms and traditions. The Karamojongs are among the few people on the planet who still strongly tie on their traditional culture. They are predominantly cattle keepers (nomadic pastoralists who move from place to another in search for pasture for their cattle.

They build small houses called Manyattas where they live in extended families. Visiting the Karamojong community and getting to know more about their local traditions offers a great cultural tourism experience and also exposes one of Uganda’s authentic cultures.

The Kidepo valley national park is indeed a very stunning tourist destination and its not surprising that this eco tourism destination has been named among the must visit wildlife destinations in the year 2016. Tourists visiting the park can engage in a number of activities like game drives, birding, nature walks, hiking and community visits to the Karamojongs.

Kidepo valley national park is very diverse ecosystem that is worth visiting by tourists seeking for exclusive experiences because of its diverse wildlife.

Visit Africa For a Perfect Vacation

African Safari

African safaris can prove to be the perfect vacation. With so many things to do and see, they promise an enjoyable and relaxing vacation atmosphere. What’s more, they can fill one’s vacation with excitement and adventure as they explore regions in the world you may have only known or experienced through books and stories.

African safaris provide individuals with the opportunity to explore a variety of countries, and allow them to meet interesting people with unique cultural backgrounds. For instance, they allow individuals to visit all regions of Africa including central Africa, East Africa, the Indian Ocean Islands, North Africa, and finally, Southern Africa. Further, the numbers of countries that can be explored while on African safaris is fantastic and include Botswana, Egypt, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zanzibar, and Zimbabwe.

In addition, when you book a vacation on any one of many African safaris, you will be pleasantly surprised with the amount of recreational activities afforded to you. While on African safaris people enjoy numerous recreations including, but in no way limited to: biking, bird watching, boating, bunji jumping, camel back riding, camping, canoeing, deep sea fishing, regular fishing, golfing, hiking, horseback riding, hot air balloon rides, kayaking, mountain climbing, river boarding, sailing, scuba diving, sky diving, snorkeling, white water rafting, wind surfing and much more. In essence, an African safari provides you with a prime opportunity to plan the perfect vacation chock full of all of the activities you enjoy.

You will also find a unique diversity in the types of accommodations that can be found in Africa while you are on your safari. There are safari camps, lodges, hotels, bed and breakfast sites, and beach resorts for you to enjoy. Of course, the more stylish your accommodation, the more it will cost you. Likewise, the more people that are with you when you partake in one or more African-safaris, the more the trip and all expenses associated with it will cost.

After you have planned just exactly where it is you want to vacation during your safari, you will want to take the weather in the area you have chosen into consideration. For instance, in the Indian Ocean Islands the dry season runs from the month of May to October, so you might want to plan your trip accordingly. Likewise, in East and Central Africa, the best time to plan your African safari is during the months of July through August. Southern Africa’s best months are May and June. After you have successfully booked your trip, you will want to prepare yourself accordingly. There are myriad considerations to contend with when you plan to travel to Africa. For instance, you will have to provide your passports, deal with custom concessions, ensure that your immunizations are current, and you will want to pack your clothing according to the weather in the region you plan to visit. Of course, the more individuals that travel with you on your African safari, the more you will have to consider and deal with in terms of preparation.

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