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Calgary for First Time Visitors

Calgary City Guide

Calgary is a noteworthy door to Banff and the Rocky Mountains, which are 1.5 hours’ drive toward the west.

It is a youthful, vivacious city of one million people.

Calgary also serves as the headquarters of Canada’s oil industry. In late decades the business opportunities that that industry has given have pulled in Canadians from different regions and migrants from everywhere throughout the world. This has brought about an inexorably multi-cultural society that manifests itself in an assortment of ethnic restaurants and festivals like Carifest Caribbean Festival, Afrikadey!, Expo Latino, Taste of Calgary, and others.

Calgary has a full scope of instructive, restorative, cultural, artistic, sporting and shopping offices.

Calgary maintains a friendly contention with Edmonton, Alberta’s capital city, which is three hours’ drive toward the north of Calgary. Despite the fact that Calgarians and Edmontonians like to concentrate on either little difference in the middle of Calgary and Edmonton, the two urban areas are moderately like one another as far as populace, size and general appearance.

Vancouver and Calgary frequently serve as “book closures” for trips through the Canadian Rockies. It is normal for travelers to fly into one of these urban areas and out of the other. The early summer traveler would be better off to start at the coast, which gets warm sooner than the mountains do. The autumn traveler is in an ideal situation starting in Calgary, as the coast stays warm for more than the inside does. In July and August, at the peak of summer, the direction of travel does not make a difference from a weather point of view.

Calgary infrequently serves as both entry and exit points for Montana’s Glacier National Park, particularly for travelers who join visits with Canada’s Rocky Mountain national parks. Travelers who wish to take a Canadian rental car over the US-Canada fringe might be requested to bring a written permit from the car rental organization. A significant documentation on a car rental understanding is sufficient. Obviously travelers who cross from Montana into Alberta need to bring proper travel reports and acclimate themselves with Canadian currency.

Calgary is a fun city that is justified a visit.

Planning a Safari to East Africa

East Africa Safari

Visit a destination where others have had great memories & you will definitely have same though sometimes it doesn’t matter where you go on vacation so long as you get what you really looking for on your travel holiday. You can discover all the four East Africa countries in a single African tour depending on your budget and interest.

Get a Successful African tour from your safari expert full of memorable moments to cherish and remember. Plan as early as possible and free your mind to enjoy your Rwanda safari just in line with your interest be it mountain climbing, game viewing, primate trekking to any of the best parks in Africa. wildlife, primates, hills, plains, green environment, weather are the main reasons as to why many chose East Africa as a place for their vacation holidays at any time of the year and countries have all options for travel.

Kenya the land of magical wildlife

Imagine viewing the Great wildlife migration in Masai Mara an activity which attracts many into the country to view the concentration of wildlife in the Masai Mara game reserve. This takes place every year from July-October though it’s very easy to spot cats during the dry season of December –February every year. Other months of the year are also good if your interest is just wildlife viewing but not to view over1.8 million Wildebeest come every year on the sand river and move to both Kenya and Tanzania making travel to these areas the talk of the day.

The Masai Mara reserve is found in south west Kenya where it neighbor Serengeti national park in Tanzania. The Scenic drive from Nairobi is 5-6 hours drive and 45 minutes by air travel. There is lots of lodge; camps of all budgets but need advance booking during the peak season. Don’t miss pink flamingoes of Lake Nakuru, elephants in Amboseli, the traditional people of Masai Mara etc.

Rwanda the land of 1000 Hills

A small rich wealth tourist country in Africa and a home to the legendary mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park. The country welcomes many year round with different reasons though the large percentage comes to Track the Mountain Gorillas.

Other tourist attractions include the

  • Lakes including kivu, Iheme, Burera etc
  • National parks such as Volcanoes National Park, Nyungwe Forest and Akagera National Park and Gishwati Mukura National Park
  • Volcanoes including Karisimbi, Bisoke, Muhabura
  • Islands
  • Genocide Memorial Sites

Rwanda can easily accessed either by road or Air transport means and if you want to do a safari tour in two countries, this is very flexible .Most trips done in Rwanda include Uganda safari adventures since it’s easy to connect between the two countries and you free to start from either sides.

Uganda the Pearl of Africa

Uganda one of the travel best destinations in Africa and the best country to connect with in the East Africa region. The country has ten national parks which are worthy visiting year round since activities are not seasonal. Best things to do on a Uganda safari include Mountain Climbing, Bungee Jumping, Gorillas & Chimpanzee tracking Bird watching, Game viewing and drives, Boat trips and other.

If you are looking for interesting attractions in different spots check out what Uganda has for you.The most visited country’s national parks include Bwindi impenetrable national park, Murchison falls, Queen Elizabeth National park, and Rwenzori national park. The parks have the finest activities which make your trip thrilling adventurous and enjoyful.In most cases every visitor to Uganda does gorilla tracking in Bwindi Forest a decade understanding which involves taking jungle forest guided tours with park rangers, photography of primates, and being awarded with a certificate. Others prefer combining it with chimpanzee Trekking where you observe exciting chimpanzees play and climb trees.

The other activities include Boat rides, Birding in Uganda an activity for watching birds in there habitat, spot fishing on the falls and lakes, Mountain hiking and climbing a challenging offer in mountain Rwenzori and Elgon,among others. Travel experts can help you make your holiday the very best and accommodation is plenty all over the country lodges, hotels, tents, camps.

Always start your trip search as early as possible for a perfect trip, check out different travel posts, tips, websites and magazines of different destinations and gather enough information about the tour package. Contact destination safari agents and guides in case of any assistance.

How to Get the Best Discount Travel Deals

Travel the World

Almost everyone would love to travel at discount deals. Many travelers would like to travel and see more of the world. Did you know that traveling is one of the most culturally broadening activities we can undergo? Though many people would like to travel the world, most people, can’t travel nearly as much as they like due to the costs involved; high air fares, accommodation, activity fees etc. Till this day, regular travel remains something that is fairly exclusive to the well-off and rich. It needn’t be this way, however with discount tips and travel techniques that anyone can employ make traveling both more affordable and in many cases more enjoyable.

One of the most important key to attaining discounts on travel is flexibility. The more rigid you are in when you want to travel makes it hard to attain discounts on things to do and thus the more you are going to pay. By simply being flexible about your travel dates can save you a bundle in airfare costs, accommodation and some activity fees. Even better is if you can be open to traveling in many different places, you can easily get discounts on travel in Africa. If you decide, for example, that you’re willing to go anywhere in South America, as opposed to a particular place in South America, you’ll be able to take advantage of cheap fares and save a fortune. Almost anyone who is a master of the art of discount travel will be extremely flexible and more interested in the idea of travel itself, as opposed to a particular vacation at a particular time. And in most cases, when you meet people who don’t seem to make much money but travel all the time, this is the attitude they have.

The concept of flexibility shouldn’t end when you arrive at your destination, however. The true discount traveler arrives with an extremely open itinerary that allows him or her to take advantage of many different opportunities. The true discount traveler understands that any new experience will be more or less equally worthwhile than any other, so if they’re looking at two similar outings to different places, they’ll take the cheaper one knowing that it will probably be just as interesting as the more expensive choice.

A discount traveler knows that every rigid spot in an itinerary will end up costing him or her. If you decide that you absolutely must go to a particular place at a particular time, you leave yourself at the mercy of travel agents and tour guides, and put yourself in a position where you have to pay whatever it costs.

This idea of being open should also extend into your eating habits and entertainment choices. In many countries certain foods will be radically cheaper than others, so why not try them? Drink works the same way: if you’re traveling in Mexico, say, tequila will be ridiculously cheap – so even if it’s not your preferred choice, if you’re willing to drink tequila when you drink, you’re going to save a bundle.

By being flexible like this you will not only save yourself a lot of money, but likely have a more culturally immersive traveling experience – one that will stay with you a lot longer then a highly organized “tour.”

Rare and Exotic Madagascar

Experience Madagascar

Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. It is situated in the Indian ocean and lies just off the Africa coast. The original inhabitants here are Indonesian and African. Now, there is a mixture of many immigrants along with the locals who have populated Madagascar. Madagascar is also referred to by ecologists as the eighth continent. This is because most of the plant life here is not found anywhere else in the world. This place is the only place in the world where you will find Lemurs. Although, lemurs are now listed as an endangered as well as threatened species.

The people here are said to be quite patriotic. After independence from France, the locals went back to their own customs and traditions that they followed before the colonization. Malagasy is the native language here and almost all the population speaks it.

Let us look at some of the places you could go to in Madagascar.

Tsingy De Bemaraha

is a UNESCO world heritage site and Madagascar’s largest reserve. The plateau is made up of limestone and decorated with pinnacles called ‘Tsingy’ . You will be able to see a very diverse range of fauna. The many species of birds and lemurs are also one of the most amazing occurrences here . Different kinds of flowers are also quite prominent.

Parts of the Bemaraha today, are managed by UNESCO. Hence there are many areas that are restricted.

Avenue of Baobabs

Known as one of the seven wonders of Africa, this place is one of the most visited in this region. Some of these trees are more than eight hundred years old and reach heights of thirty meters.

Things to do in Madagascar

Get your kite from a local vendor and have some fun. Strong winds in the region make kite flying a treat.

Hire yourself a guide and take a guided tour in a kayak along the beautiful coastline of Santa Marie. The waters are spotless and crystal clear and you will get to see many hidden coves and houses.

Go fishing to the nearby islands of Ramadas and Mitsio and catch a bunch of delicious fish fresh out of the water.

Things to eat

Local food in Madagascar is ridiculously cheap. You can get rice, a side dish of meat and a small glass of yogurt for less than two dollars.

Come and explore the fourth largest continent and get enchanted in the rare local fauna only found in Madagascar.

Religions and Spirituality in South East Asia

South East Asia Spirituality

Religion is one of the most important factors in the preservation of South East Asian culture. Having the most diverse traditions and beliefs, Asians are also emphasizing on their own spirituality that mold them as human beings. At times, it may also cause conflicts and complaints. No matter what sect or religion they are in, they strongly believe that they have been distinct and unique because of these beliefs.

Asia is the birthplace of most of the worlds mainstream religions including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastranism, as well as many other religions. Sinclair James International Travel and Tours, your Australian partner in exploring the wonders of South East Asia, has listed the top religions in the region which can help you identify and distinguish one from the other:


The biggest religion in the world, Christianity is also a dominating in South East Asia. Many reviews state that six out of the top fifteen largest Christian populations in Asia are found in this region. Philippines (1 billion), Indonesia (23 million), Vietnam (7 million), Malaysia (2.6 million), Sri Lanka (1.5 million) and Taiwan (one million) has their share of Christian majorities. Philippines, specifically, has been a distinct Christian country with dozens of Christian sects and protestants. Catholic, which is one of the sub religions of Christianity, has been prominent in the Philippines, making it one of the top five countries to have the largest Catholic population. Other sects in Christianity were also founded and established in the country. Last 2014, more than a million of followers gathered in Manila, the archipelago’s capital, for the hundred year celebration of Iglesia ni Cristo, a Filipino-founded Christian church.


One of the largest religion populations in the world, Islam is also predominant in South East Asia. Indonesia remains the largest Muslim country in the world. There are also followers of Muhammad in the south of the Philippines. Some are scattered in other neighboring countries like Malaysia and Brunei.


Buddhism is the fourth largest world religion and the 3rd largest in Asia. It is dominant and the majority of countries of South East Asia especially in Bhutan, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Large Buddhist populations Taiwan (35%), Vietnam (10%) and Singapore (33%).It also has strong minorities in India, Malaysia and Brunei. Buddhism was founded by Siddartha Gautama, also known as Buddha and is often confused with Hinduism which is also practiced in some minority parts of South East Asia.

Interesting Facts About the Chichen Itza in Mexico

Chichen Itza in Mexico

The Maya name: “Chichen Itza” means ” at the edge of the Itza’s well.” This derives from chi’, meaning “mouth” or “edge”, and ch’e’en, meaning “well.” Itzá is the name of an ethnic-lineage group that dominated the northern peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico prior to the Spanish Conquest. It is believed that “Itza” derives from the Maya itz, meaning “magic,” and (h)á, meaning “water;” Itzá means: “Water Magicians.”

Archaeologists today believe that this majestic Mayan city rose as a prominent power towards the end of the Mayan Early Classic Period (600 AD) and current scholastic data places Chichen Itza’s Fall around AD 1000.

Chichen Itza Ancient Maya Urban Design

The impressive urban design found in Chichen Itza is extraordinary well planned, ancient Maya builders created clusters of pyramids and Mayan Temples in sets of clusters. The vast Chichen Itza urban zone extends far away from the area visited today by tourists.

Mayan Temples

The most visited cluster includes the New Seven Wonders majestic Maya pyramid of Kukulkan. The four most well known clusters of Mayan pyramids and temples within the ancient city of Chichen Itza are:

The Great North Platform

The Great North Platform, which includes Kukulkan Pyramid, Great Ball Court, Temple of the Jaguars, Tempe of the Warriors, Thousand Columns Market, Venus Platform, and to the north the Sacred Cenote of Chichen Itza.

The Ossario Group, which includes the Ossario pyramid,the Xtoloc temple, and the cenote of the Xtoloc.

The Central Group, includes the Maya Observatory or El Caracol, the group of Las Monjas and La Iglesia, plus the lovely Mayan temple of Akab Dzib.

Old Chichen or Chichen Viejo

Old Chichen or Chichen Viejo is located at the far south end of Chichen Itza visited zone. Old Chichen is not openned to the public.

4 Most Beautiful Thailand Beaches

Thailand Beaches

Thailand is one of the most visited destination in the world. Locate on the Asian continent, Thailand is known to have the most beautiful beaches in the world. For many tourists that have traveled there, the praise the country’s beauty and they indeed know that the beauty of this untouched place makes it rank among the best destinations for leisure holidays in the whole world. Coupled with the country’s unique culture, vast amount of historical sites that abounds the countryside, the country ranks among the favorite spots for holiday in the world.

For an adventure seeking tourist, there is never a shortage of things to do in Thailand. Till today much of the land remains untouched by the modern developments that have spoil tourism in the developed countries. On a holiday in Thailand you will find that relaxation and peaceful living is more than possible and thus the country is among the best places for ecotourists. If you are looking at traveling to Thailand, be rest assured that you will get the very best experience during your vacation, especially when it comes to the Thailand beach areas. Here are the top beaches in Thailand that have been voted to be the best in the country;

1. Khao Lak

Khao Lak is a wonderful Thailand beach. Just a short drive from the airport, this paradise offers a remote vacation area like no other. Thanks to the area being largely uninhabited, there is lush rain forest nearby along with a whole host of wildlife to be viewed. The water remains warm in the November through December months and the fishing and scuba diving is out of this world.

2. Phuket Thailand Beach

Phuket Thailand Beach is another great spot. Enjoy this resort November through March. There is more than enough to do. It is a bit more crowded than other beaches as this area thrives on the tourism dollars that it brings in. The scuba diving is top notch in this area and you will also find some of the warmest most clear water in the world. There are several nearby attractions to keep one busy for quite a few days.

3. Phi Phi Don Thailand Beach

Phi Phi Don Thailand beach is quite the turn around. Once a remote and nearly unknown place, this Thailand beach came to life when Hollywood came in and filmed a movie here. It is now considered to be one of the most popular beaches in the entire country and is frequented by many big names. This is a site that you will not want to miss, as the views are breathtaking and the water warm and inviting.

4. West Raily Thailand Beach

West Raily Thailand beach is one of the undiscovered diamonds in the rough. There is very little that is expensive here and one can stay at the “resort” for over a week and barely tap the budget. The sands are milky white and the water clear. Scuba diving is very popular here as well as the fishing. This location is only accessible by long tail boat so plan for a bit of a long ride.

Visit the Buffalo Herds and the Indian Reservation

Bison Herds

Before European settlers arrived in North America, the continent’s Native Indian tribes kept or co-existed with enormous buffalo (bison) herds. Various estimates have placed the population of buffalo then at anywhere between 20 and 200 million. Buffalo meat was an important food source with the hides used for making clothes and tippis (tent-like dwellings).

From the 16th century, the incoming settlers introduced the Indians to horses, guns and sharp knives all of which made hunting for buffalo that much easier. This coupled with sport hunting as well as the wars for territorial control between the Native Indians and the Europeans saw buffalo numbers decimated in the 19th century to as little as 1,000 in the US. The rest is history with Native Indians effectively forced into government reservations, having been stripped of such an important aspect of their daily life.

While Native Indian buffalo herds are much fewer than they were at their peak, many Indian reservations have developed substantial herds that allow tourists to catch a glimpse of how Indian life once was. The Cheyenne River, Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota for instance incorporate guided tours of their buffalo herds as part of the visitor package. Buffalo herds in reservations now number more than 10,000.

The reservations are not the only place you can see buffalo. The Yellowstone National Park in Montana was for years the premiere destination in the US where anyone intent on seeing buffalo herds would go to and still boasts one of the single largest bison populations in the country.

Visit Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden in Pattaya

Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden

Nong Nooch is world renowned for its impressive Elephant and Thai Cultural Shows, along with what is largely considered the biggest and most beautiful botanical garden in Southeast Asia. Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden is a 500-acre (2.0 km2) botanical garden and tourist attraction at kilometer 163 on Sukhumvit Road in Chonburi Province, near Pattaya, Thailand. The garden is constantly developing and evolving, creating new interests for our loyal members and returning guests. Nong Nooch garden is also dedicated to education, preservation and research as well as the conservation of the worlds LARGEST palm collection, the largest variety of Orchids in Thailand and other tropical flora and fauna.

Spend a weekend with the family at our lakeside resort, with complimentary entry. Dine at a variety of our restaurants catering for all cuisine choices or enjoy our cafes, all for your convenience. If you are visiting Bangkok or Pattaya save your time to visit the highly recommended Nong Nooch, where Aall the attractions are in one place! There are almost too much to see in one day and recommend to stay overnight as well. The best thing about Nong Nooch Paradise is that it offers something for everyone. There are many beautiful gardens, featuring the largest variety of Palm’s and Cycad’s in the world, along with the greatest selection of Orchid’s in Thailand. The popular Thai Cultural and Elephant shows run all day long. Afterwards get up close to different wild animals, colourful birds and wonderful fish. The kids will really feel like they are in paradise playing in park, children’s playgrounds and gardens.

Spend a weekend with the family at our lakeside resort, with complimentary entry. Dine at a variety of our restaurants catering for all cuisine choices or enjoy our cafes, all for your convenience. If you are visiting Bangkok or Pattaya save your time to visit the highly recommended Nong Nooch, where Aall the attractions are in one place! There are almost too much to see in one day and recommend to stay overnight as well.

The best thing about Nong Nooch Paradise is that it offers something for everyone. There are many beautiful gardens, featuring the largest variety of Palm’s and Cycad’s in the world, along with the greatest selection of Orchid’s in Thailand. The popular Thai Cultural and Elephant shows run all day long. Afterwards get up close to different wild animals, colourful birds and wonderful fish. The kids will really feel like they are in paradise playing in park, children’s playgrounds and gardens.

Exploring the Grand Canyon: Ideas for a Great Trip

Exploring the Grand Canyon

Vast, magnificent and in-arguably beautiful, the Grand Canyon is easily Arizona’s most distinguishable landmark – and a natural wonder that you simply have to see to believe. Stretching 277 miles from end to end, steep, rocky walls descend more than a mile to the canyon’s floor, where the wild Colorado River traces a swift course southwest.

Colorado River

You can reach Grand Canyon National Park from main entrances on the South Rim – including the South Rim’s eastern entrance – and the North Rim. The Canyon’s western edge, home to beautiful Havasupai Falls and the town of Supai, is also accessible via roads on the Hualapai Indian Reservation.

Discover the Grand Canyon

Whether you stop at the canyon for an hour or stay for a week, you’ll have plenty of ways to enjoy some adventures, recreation or just great views. Start planning your trip with these informative links:

Getting Here: Find the best routes to reach the North and South Rims.

The South Rim, North Rim & West Rim:
Learn about Grand Canyon National Park’s three distinct experiences.

Around-the-Rim Tours:
Explore the Grand Canyon with a guided tour or ride – on a bike, on foot, by car or perched atop a friendly mule.

Air Tours:
See the canyon from high above with a helicopter or airplane tour.

From easy rim hikes to rigorous multi-day backpacking trips, Grand Canyon hiking has something for everyone.

Rafting the Canyon:
Gain a whole new perspective on the Grand Canyon. Choose from motorized or oar-powered expeditions ranging from four days to two weeks.

Grand Canyon for Kids:
Find out how your kids can become Junior Rangers during your Grand Canyon vacation.

Historic lodges and hotels to rugged campgrounds, the Grand Canyon has a wide range of places to stay – but you have to book early.

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