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Getting Around London Without Going Broke

Budget London Accommodation

London is a fascinating city to visit. Thousands of years of history, fantastic architecture and endless choices of culture and museums attract more than 26 million visitors every year. But for all the wonder that this great place has to offer, it is a very expensive place to travel. One reason is that the exchange rate of the pound sterling often dwarfs your currency from home. Another, is that like New York or Tokyo, it is a huge thriving city and everyone wants to live there, driving prices higher than surrounding cities and towns.

There are lots of ways to save money while traveling there though. Rent a flat instead of a hotel, choose some of the free attractions instead of going to the tourist places all the time and prepare many of your own meals instead of eating out every day.

But one of the biggest budget crushers that many people don’t figure in, is transportation. London is a huge city, and distances, especially in a taxi, can be daunting. Watching the meter go from £2 to £50 is a bit shocking and will happen quickly. Avoid them if you can, except for really short trips. You can get from any airport in London in to town on a local train or bus. It takes longer and it is still pricey (compared to say Rome) but it pales in comparison to the cost of a taxi. Renting a car is a bad option also, as parking, inner city congestion fees and high rental costs will destroy your budget quickly.

The London Underground is over 160 years old. It was one of the first metro’s opened in the world. It does show signs of its age, but it covers almost all of the city. What you can’t reach on the tube, you can get to by overground train or bus. All are well connected to each other. It’s a good idea to buy an “Oyster” card, which allows you a certain amount of travel depending on how much you charge up the card. Using this card makes a bus ride half the normal price and the tube significantly cheaper. You can pick one up at any stop and they will explain to you the options. You can even order one online prior to you arrival.

At the end of your holiday, you can return the card to any station and get a refund on any unused portion of travel. The majority of travelers forget to do this. At the moment, The TFL (transport authority) is holding something like 6 million in refunds due! The tube generally only runs until about 12:30 in the evening, but there is a good connection of night busses to make up for that. The tube starts running again every morning before 5. Ask at your hotel or look online for the routes that are near you. You can also get a free tube map at any station or download one for your phone. Find out everything you need to know about fares, routes, discounts and travel disruptions at http://www.tfl.gov.uk/.

An Eventful Holiday Weekend in Las Vegas

Las Vegas

No matter where you live in the world, the city of Las Vegas is always evergreen. It is associated with fun and lights and gambling. It’s a perfect spot for a bachelor party or a birthday, a family vacation or a weekend getaway.

My eventful holiday weekend in Las Vegas started at the Pittsburgh airport. I found a very smart way to park safely using Pittsburgh airport parking. The car safely stashed with Pittsburgh airport parking, the trip was now all set to begin. Barren hills and the desert greet you as you make your way to the largest city in the state of Nevada. Of course, Las Vegas is known for the Strip- a glitzy, shining road that all the resorts call home. Fountains, replicas of famous world monuments, rows and rows of lights- you name it, it’s all there. Regardless of whether you stay in one of these hotels or not, you can take in the sights on the long two-and-a-half-mile long walk. Hotels put up a show too, from working models of volcanoes to fountains that seem to touch the sky.

You can take in the New York skyline, the Eiffel Tower, Venice and its gondola rides, all in Las Vegas!

If you’d like a bird’s eye view of Las Vegas, get up to the 550 feet high High Roller Ferris wheel. Sit in one of the cabins and start your slow climb to the top. You have a leisurely half an hour to take in all the sights. A piece of advice- try to do the trip at nighttime- the view of the city on shining display is spectacular.

Las Vegas is all about fast living and fun. It’s not only in the casinos but also out on the way. The Las Vegas Motor Speedway, that is. This 1200 acre complex hosts many racing tracks, restaurants and camping options too. The Speedway is famous for its NASCAR races. If you’re a speed demon, spending a day here will be a true pleasure trip.

If you’re looking for a natural marvel, take a boat or chopper ride at the Hoover Dam or the Grand Canyon. The Red Rock Canyon is also a beautiful sight seeing experience.  Staying with natural, a trip to the Las Vegas Natural History Museum is a good idea. Affiliated to the Smithsonian Museum, this venue is popular for many reasons, including as a birthday party venue! Whether it’s Egypt or the rain forest, dinosaurs or marine life, you can find everything here.

You can also get everywhere, thanks to the Monorail. Walking may be tiring or even difficult after all the indulgence! Step into the monorail and get down at any of the seven stations closest to where you need to go. Some hotels offer connecting trains, so please check that out.

Las Vegas is also home to the ‘tallest freestanding observation tower in the USA,’ the Stratosphere Tower. It’s at a staggering 1,149 feet and is a venue of many crazy rides, including the aptly-titled Insanity and X-Scream. For something less taxing, take a walk along Fremont Street and enjoy some great music and shows.

Before you know it, the weekend is over but the memories stay for a long time.

An Expedition into Uganda and Rwanda

Rwanda Gorilla Trek

The two countries of Uganda and Rwanda offer a unique experience of meeting the mountain gorillas, great apes in the wild! Recently, I returned from an expedition that involved a double gorilla trek in the Bwindi Impenetrable Park of Uganda and Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda. The trip also involved wildlife safaris in savanna national parks.

The week long safari was arranged by Jackie and guided by Emma. From the first email to Jackie to the last day with Emma, the experience was excellent and exceeded my expectations and I would definitely recommend this company Rwanda Gorilla Safaris. Jackie responded promptly, thoroughly and professionally to all of my emails. Emma was an exceptional guide throughout the trip. He was pleasant, knowledgeable, polite, punctual and an excellent driver. As a woman traveling alone, I never felt unsafe or awkward. He has a keen eye for wildlife including birds large and small and could spot them from incredible distances and recognizes a wide variety of bird calls and knows their identifying features. He went out of his way to find monkeys, birds and other wildlife as well as the best places for photos during our long drives which made the drive itself pleasant. In addition, he knows about Ugandan history and politics which was quite interesting.

The trek in Rwanda was difficult for me due to the altitude but the ranger and porters were quite understanding and helpful with plenty of rests and helping hands. The trek in Uganda was at times steeper and muddier than Rwanda but was not as difficult. I would definitely recommend hiring a porter or two which is well worth the $10 to 20 per porter which included carrying camera equipment and water and lending a helping hand when needed. The gorillas themselves were beyond description and amazing.

You will need all of your strength to climb up and down the tracks for several hours. I was expecting the trek to be a lot more strenuous – I have an artificial knee joint and am not at all fit but I found the trek quite easy. We walked for around an hour along narrow tracks with several armed guides in our group. I felt totally safe throughout the day. Once the gorillas are located, you leave the tracks and walk through the bush. The guides use machetes to cut a path through the jungle. This is when the walking stick and strong gloves come into their own.

Remember that the animals are in the shadow of the jungle so you will need a good camera. NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY IS PERMITTED.

In Rwanda the family appeared completely relaxed on the ground and carried on with their business of interacting with each other in the most endearing ways. In Uganda most of the gorillas were in the trees but a few were on the ground and easier to observe. In both cases, some of the gorillas would pass by in close proximity, seemingly undisturbed by our presence. The primate/chimpanzee trekking in the Kibale forest was much easier. Most of the chimpanzees were in the trees though a few did come down towards the end.

I also was taken on the Swamp tour towards the end of my tour which I thought was also enjoyable. Next to the office where the tour starts are a couple of trees filled with weaver birds and their distinctive nests. It was a wonderful experience to watch the beautiful birds and their nests up close. On the tour, we saw black and white colobus monkeys, beautiful birds, papyrus plants and more. Additionally, I would highly recommend visiting the Genocide Memorial and Museum in Kigali. It is sensitively done and a truly moving experience.

I chose the moderately priced accommodations which I found completely acceptable. The rooms and food were fine. All served simple meals and delicious fruit such as bananas, passion fruit, pineapple, papaya and apples.

Exploring African Coastal Forts

Gold Coast Ghana

Tours to Africa would be incomplete without visiting the forts here. Cultural and heritage tours are becoming very important in West African tours. There are many sites that can be visited in Western Africa and the coastal forts top the list of sites to visit.

Ghana is a great destination to visit in this part of Africa and is very popular as a slave trade site. It is said that President Obama first visited Ghana and the other slave forts in Cape Coast before he went to become the President.

The main slave sites in Ghana are the St; George’s Castle which is also called the Elmina Castle. This is actually one of the earlier slave forts here and lies on the Atlantic coast of Ghana. It is a very popular destination and is a pilgrim locale for many African American tourists. It has visitors from across the world and there is a guided tour that would lead you through the punishment cells and dungeons. There is also a slave auctioning room which is today a very small museum.

Then you have Cape Coast which has played a major role in the slave trade. It has guided tours organized daily into the slave dungeons too. There is Palaver Hall which is the grave of an earlier English governor. The castle was used as the headquarters for the then colonial administration of the British. The Museum has many objects that have been brought and stored here from around the wall. With the simple delights of artifacts, it is no wonder that Cape Coast is soon filled with innumerable tourists.

Gold Coast in Ghana is also bordered with old forts which are normally used by European powers during the time of the slave trade. Most of the forts here today have become guesthouses which give tourists also a respite. There are other forts like Fort Amsterdam which is found in Abanze and has many features that would give you an idea of what happened during the slave trade.

Then you have Donko Nsuo which is another river slave site at Assin Manso. Her slaves used to bathe after their long travels and thus get cleaned up. They get into the ships from here and never return to Africa. Donko Nsuo in Assin Manso is around an hour’s drive from the inland coastal forts and is a greatly exciting tour in this part of the world. There is a grave tour here wherein you could pray here for those who died here and also keep flowers and thus enrich their tours. There is a special room for prayer.

Then visit Senegal which is another great destination to visit in tours to Western Africa. the main feature here is the Maison des Esclaves or the house of Slaves which has been built by the Dutch in the year 1776. This is a major holding hub for the slaves and the house has been transformed into a museum and is open on all days except Monday. The tours here would give you an idea of the dungeons here and also show the places where the slaves are held and then either shipped or sold.

Then you have Benin where Porto Novo is the capital and it was established as a major slave destination in the 17th century. the castles here worth exploring and thus tours to Benin are very warm and reliable.

Here Ouidah is a place where slaves are captured and here you also get to see the History Museum or the Musee d’Historie d’ Ouidah. Here the story of the slave trade has been shown.

The Route des ESclaves is a long 4km walk on a road and it has statues and fetishes decorating the road. the slaves are said to walk down here finally and then enter the slave ships. There are many memorials here and tourists love to see all this and more.

Then there is the Gambia where you get to see the Kunta Kinte slave region. this is the place where Alex Haley had his roots and there many slave sites like Albreda, Jufureh, James Island to be seen here.

Africa is a land that is waiting to be explored by an enthusiastic tourist and visits to Western Africa would be incomplete without a tour of the coastal forts. Get the best of it and come back completely enchanted.

Enjoy the coastal forts tours in western Africa and experience a totally enchanting land.

Patagonia – Get Into the Wild of Argentina

Patagonia Travel Guide

More than simply fine wine and tango, Argentina has a wild side that is simply too good to miss. Patagonia. Sitting on the southern tip, Patagonia is a haven for lovers of wildlife, open spaces and scenery that will blow your mind (as well as your camera lens!) Here are a pick of the best places to visit, all perfect for a wild luxury South American holiday.

Estancia Rincon Chico

For whale watchers, nature enthusiasts and lovers of idyllic isolation, Estancia Rincon Chico is the place to visit. Sitting in Península de Valdés along the coastal region of Patagonia, this luxurious, traditional estancia has elephant seals breading on the nearby beach and endless windswept trails to spend hours walking along.

Los Notros

Perched on the Peninsula de Magallanes, Los Notros is the only lodge with views of the incredible Perito Moreno glacier. 70km from Calafate in the Los Glaciares National Park, you can take boat trip across the turquoise lakes and guided walks across the glacier.

Los Cerros

A trekker’s paradise sitting in the foothills of the magnificent Patagonian Mountains, Los Cerros is surrounded by the granite spikes of Mount Fitz Roy. Horse-riding, sailing, hiking and glacier walking on the Patagonian ice fields are all on the menu and expert guides can help bring the whole experience to life.

Exploring Cusco in South Peru

Cusco in South America

Cusco is located to the South of Peru and it is the archaeological capital of Americas. It is well endowed with mountains and is referred as the “cradle of Inca civilization”.

It is a traditional city which has preserved the archaeological ruins of the traditional structure. It is the hot spot tourist destination. Cusco offers an exclusive merge of arts and architecture of both the Incan and the Spanish cultures. The people are traditional and they make it a point to celebrate their festivals and customs with great pomp and splendor. The city is rich not only in its cultural but also historical heritage. Citadel at MacchuPichu, a well known archaeological ruin is famous and is a cultural heritage site.

The Streets of Cusco are neatly carved and they are so beautiful that it leaves the tourists in awe. Fine roads, museums, churches, old monuments, archaeological remains and ruins are some of the attractions of Cusco which are worth visiting. Cusco provides easy accessibility. Tourists flock in numbers to visit this city and then travel to all other cities of Peru. There are flights which take off from the Cusco airport and there are daily arrivals and departures from Cusco to other cities of Peru like Lima, Puno and Arequipa.

Things which you should not miss if you are in Cusco Peru are:

Machu Pichhu – It was built in 1430 AD by the Incas.   It is located above the Aguas Calientes.   It is regarded as a World Heritage site.

Inca Trail –   It is the oldest road system which goes up to Machu Pichu. Lovers of trekking and hiking would love to hike the place and enjoy the outstanding view of some of the ancient ruins and of course the Andes.

City Tour – The City tour is a guided tour which comprises of a muse see Main Square, the Inca ruins of Puca Pucara, Oenbko, Spanish Cathedral and the Sacsayhuaman which is made of huge stones.

Sacred Valley Tour – This tour takes you through the unique markets and also the Inca ruins. Ollantaytambo is a striking Inca ruin.

See the City Segway Tour


Cruise downtown and visit the convention center, memorial plaza, city hall and more. Make photo stops along the way and enjoy interesting commentary from your guide. Choose the 1-hour sightseeing tour, the 1.5-hour historical tour, or the 2.5-hour executive tour.

1 Hour – Sightseeing Tour

This 1-hour Segway tour is more geared towards sightseeing, and makes more photo stops to let you savor the views. Departing at either 4pm or 5:30pm from downtown, you’ll receive a brief safety instruction to get you comfortable on your Segway. Then, it’s time to hit the streets!

Cruise around downtown, your guide will entertain you with fun facts about the city throughout your ride.

1.5 Hour – Historical Tour

This 1.5-hour tour focuses on the history of the city. Departing at either 12pm or 2pm from downtown, you’ll receive a brief safety instruction to get you comfortable on your Segway. Then, it’s time to hit the streets!

Explore the core of downtown while hearing interesting historical facts, stories and legends about the city past from your guide. Visit City Hall, the Convention Center, The Plaza and several historical landmarks, and make some photo stops along the way to take in the views.

2.5 Hour – Executive Tour

This 2.5-hour tour explores the history of the city, as well as its bright future. This tour contains more photo opportunities than any other tour, making it the most popular option. Departing at 9am from downtown, you’ll receive a brief safety instruction to get you comfortable on your Segway. Then, it’s time to hit the streets! Venture through downtown, visit the the Memorial, travel through The Plaza and several historical landmarks, and take many photo opportunities on this tour infused with the past of the city and its plans for the future. This segway tour is round-trip, so you’ll return to your original departure point at the end of your ride.

Go on Safari in Rwanda

Rwanda Mountain Gorillas

Taking a trip in Rwanda can be fascinating and relaxing as this can make you fall in love with wildlife and make you discover a new home with its favorable climate, hospitable people and wonderful tourism amenities at your disposal. Rwanda has vast of tourist attractions that are worth a visit.

White Water Rafting in the Grand Canyon

White Water Rafting in Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is an incredible natural spectacle which has to be seen in person to be believed. The Canyon is in the state of Arizona and is managed by the Havasupai Tribe, the Hualapai Tribal Nation and the Grand Canyon National Park. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World due to its spectacular dimensions. The Canyon itself is 277 miles long, is around 18 miles wide and is over a mile deep in places.

Whitewater rafting in this area is extremely popular and even just the idea of doing so on the iconic Colorado River is a wonder within itself! Imagine the incredible views as you travel through the Grand Canyon. You can truly get a good feel for the size and awe inspiring vastness of the Canyon when white water rafting here.

There have been rafting trips in this area for many years and when you book you can talk through all the requirements with experienced staff. It has been recorded that many who try out a white water rafting trip are incredible moved by the whole experience and excitement of being there specifically.

A typical day’s white water rafting in the Grand Canyon generally consists of an early start in order to make the most of the day. You usually travel to the actual site by jeep and onto Diamond Creek Road which is the only road at the bottom of the Canyon. This is a great little journey within itself as you will get a chance to take in your surroundings, the nature and unusual desert plants.

On disembarking the jeep you will meet your own river guide who will get you kitted out with life vests and so on before boarding the raft. Your waterproofs will come in very handy as you will find that you get soaked almost immediately you get going on the boat! You will also have a chance to see and experience moderate classed rapids. This is excellent as children over 8 can therefore accompany you on this trip. After your trip you take a break for lunch before trying out a helicopter flight to Grand Canyon West!

White water rafting trips in the Grand Canyon can last anything from one day to a week – it’s up to you, your stamina and your need to take part in this spectacular action sport!

Guide to Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

Bwindi Mountain Gorilla

Uganda is a well known destination for mountain gorilla trekking in Africa. This country located astride the Equator is home to nearly half of the remaining 1000 mountain gorillas left in the whole world. Mountain gorillas turn out to be major tourist attraction though the country is also a fascinating destination with many other touristic adventures/ activities including white water rafting along the Nile, chimpanzee tracking, game viewing in small groups, mountain trekking and more.

The country has two gorilla national parks and the endangered mountain gorillas can be trekked from Uganda’s hilly and forested national parks basically from Bwindi Impenetrable Natural Forest ( a home to almost half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas) and Mgahinga National Park in the Virunga ranges in the South West of Uganda.

The natural volcanic slopes are house to the endangered species of Mountain Gorilla. In Uganda these primates can be seen in Volcanoes National Park. Among tourists who visit Africa, there might be only a handful who would not want to have a glance on these endangered creatures on a carefully planned gorilla safari in Uganda.

Mountain Gorillas

Nearly half of the world’s surviving mountain gorillas can be found in Uganda’s jungles of Bwindi Natural forest and Mgahinga ranges. Tracking mountain gorillas from Uganda, is an exciting an thrilling encounter/ experience one can ever have. Mountain gorillas too are a close relative of human race, sharing so much character in common like caring for the young ones, eating, and playing among others.

In Uganda, Bwindi Impenetrable Natural Forest hosts the highest number of these endangered species and with 14 habituated gorilla family groups (Mubare Group, Habinyanja Group:, Rushegura Group, Bitukura Group among others) for visitors. In their family groups, a Silverback-a male adult gorilla is usually the head and therefore responsible for the protection of its family members from any sorts of attacks if any.

Visiting the mountain gorillas is such a wonderful experience, however it’s done only in groups of 8 members where 8 visitors are allowed to visit a gorilla family group per day and limited to only an hour’s stay with the animals . During this one hour stay, tourists are permitted to take photos, make videos and even watch them as they play, eat and even tease each other.

Packaged Tours

The Bwindi Impenetrable  Forest is the place where trained experts from tour operators are going to take you to achieve Gorilla Trekking. Now before you go to visit these Gorillas you must remember that not all of them are equally friendly in their behavior towards visitors. Certain families of these Mountain Gorillas have been made to be habituated with visitors.

Now in order to visit the Uganda mountain gorillas you need to obtain passes or permits which are mostly included in your package fees that you pay to the Safari Hub.This has been aimed to reduce random visitors just irritating these primates. Also the major part of money from these goes to the welfare of the Gorillas. You can have a closer scrutiny at their way of life, their activities and thus come to know about them in details. Usually you would not find them in gangs everywhere round about. They will be scattered throughout the thick vegetation.

There are many gorilla families in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. They are the Susa Family, sabyinyo family. Many other groups like Amahoro, Umubano and Amasha are also noteworthy.

Africa Tours Adventure has the popular package of Best of Rwanda and Uganda. In this package the most amazing experience that you will have is this Gorilla Trekking mentioned above. This package is a 11 days tour. In these 11 days you will get to visit those destinations in Rwanda and Uganda that are not only world renowned but also completely fulfilling in itself.

When you complete the tour you will be left with memories that you are going to relish throughout your life. The safari starts from Kampala. All the tourists are guided to reach the Entebbe International Airport. The next day you will be taken to the Murchison Falls National Park. Here you will have a beautiful view of the rhinos. The rhino Sanctuary is present here. This is also an equally thrilling experience.

On the next 3 days you will be taken to the Kibale National Park and Queen Elizabeth National park. These wildlife hubs are also well known throughout the world for the varied and immensely dense populations of primates many of which are exclusive to only this part of the world. The other destinations which are included in this Safari Package are twin lake and mgahinga National park.  So you can very well understand how thrilling the entire adventure is going to be

Africa Tours Adventure is very passionate about Africa and it’s rich natural heritage. It is aimed at providing the tourists the best possible services. Premium quality services at affordable range makes tourists prefer Safari Hub. As for the Gorilla Trekking experience, the expert guides who are going to accompany you will help you to have the best possible experience.

Which company should I use to trek gorillas in Uganda?

There are many credible companies to book with for your gorilla safari in Uganda. We advise you to book your gorilla safari with a legitimate tour operators in Uganda.

When to go and see the mountain gorillas?

Mountain gorilla trekking can be carried out throughout the year though the best season is June to September as well as from December up to February.

Where can you stay when you trek gorillas?

To choose the best safari lodge, it will depend on how much you can afford some lodges and among best lodges to include Clouds Lodge, Buhoma Lodge, Gorilla forest Camp and Mahogany springs and Nshongi Gorilla Resort

How Much does a Good Gorilla Safari Cost?

Different tour companies do give different quotes though the cheapest gorilla safari should have a price of $ 1000 while the super luxury should cost $ 1500 to $ 2000 per person however, based on the reviews of most tour operators in the country most tourists prefer the mid- range which affordable.

How can one get a Gorilla Trekking Permit in Uganda

A gorilla permit goes for US $800 though you are highly encouraged to book your gorilla permit with a safari agent and also book according to type of gorilla family to avoid inconveniences in your accommodation.

Booking with a tour operator, you will have to inform them about the dates for your tour, your preferred dates available for gorilla trekking and the tour operator will send you the bank details. An acknowledgement email will be for money transfer and you will have to remember to instruct your bank details in order to transfer money for the gorilla permits.

A copy of the passport will be required to send a copy of your passport which also avails the details to be used and normally you need your full names, nationality and the passport number. Then after, your names will be registered and then you will acquire a gorilla permit.

Which Clothes are Required during a Gorilla Safari?

You require good quality walking boots, warm layers of cloth for the cold evenings and clothing for wet weather since it becomes cold and wet at this high altitude.

Where to Stay During Your Safari

For accommodation, its best to book those around and near the established sectors since this gorilla tracking activity starts early mornings. And are various accommodation facilities in both Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Mgahinga gorilla National Park such as lodges, camps and cottages with standard bed services and cuisines. Upon making your booking for a gorilla safari you need to get to know the location of the gorilla group prebooked so that you can get possible lodges where you will stay.

How to Get There

The journey from Kampala to Bwindi Forest takes between 7 and 9 hours to drive from Kampala to the two mountain gorilla homesteads in Uganda. During this drive, you can be able to enjoy en route views of the real Uganda’s scenic views as well as enjoying game drives in Queen Elizabeth or Lake Mburo national parks.

Alternatively, you can use charter planes from Entebbe airport or Kajjansi airfield to Kihihi or Kisoro airstrips that are near Bwindi and Mgahinga gorilla national parks.

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